I know the weather's coming around. I know New York is going to burst into bloom in a couple weeks, that I should be gearing up for cute dresses, going out and meeting boys. I know, at the very least, I should do something about my hair. But these days, I can't stop reading.
Here are just a few of the books in line on my shelf:
The Portable Dorothy Parker
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (Can't wait for this one; I've never read it!)
Dreaming in French by Megan McAndrew
Girl Meets God by Lauren F. Winner
Cake Wrecks by Jen Yates
Mr. Darcy's Daughters by Elizabeth Aston
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss
Journey to the Well by Vashtim McKenzie
Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller
New Yorkers love to read. I read at least two or three times more than I did before moving here. Everywhere I look, someone has a nose in a book or a book in a bag for the subway ride home. I love it. I take note of interesting covers or titles I often see. This word of mouth, or word of observation has only backfired on me a couple times, as with the Twilight series and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. Both were so unpleasant for me, I can't be bothered to make a link.
On a disturbing note, here's an article from the Washington Post showing how few books Americans read each year. Their average number was somewhere around four. (On an internet search, I found a suspiciously generous average of 12. That's still too little for a world power.) The Post said one in four adults didn't read a single book last year. The Pollyanna in me hopes things have changed since the article from 2007, but I doubt it's changed much.
I try to read at least one book per week, which is totally feasible for those who rely on public transportation and get an hour or two of down time each day during their commute. I also don't have legit TV, nor do I miss it. The great thing about reading is once you're into it, you're hooked.
For everyone else with busy lives that can't budget for additional time commitments, try 15-20 minutes each night before bed: that's two hours a week, nine hours per month, and over four days each year. You build vocabulary, promote brain activity, have something interesting to talk about, and if you're lucky, are inspired or moved.
Plus, it will make you sexier.
Check out this link.
What are you reading? Give us the dish or recommend something you thought was great.
I read a lot. Where's the sex?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list. I've read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. That's it on your list. Jared (my son) is on his second read through War and Peace. I vowed to read it when he's done. He's always got a book with him, too (or a writing or drawing pad). I have two or three going at one time, but don't read as much as I'd like.
ReplyDeleteAs a librarian of course I love this post! But, I think it's important to remember that even if you're not into reading books, reading magazines, newspapers, and your friends' blogs are still "reading." If you're looking at how many books people have read, it would be different than if you looked at the stats of how much people read in general. But it is sad how little people read for fun. I just finished Alice in Wonderland, which I had to force myself to finish. I'm also reading The Help which is excellent - a wonderful book to pair with "Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice" which won lots of YA awards this year. Next up is Into the Wild Nerd Yonder. So many book, so little time.