Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sammy Gets Bailed

I'm back! Got a little distracted this weekend with the new critter to look after. Here's the special guy on Friday afternoon after I picked him up:

He looks a bit stunned there, but he managed to make himself right at home later that night:

You can see him on the couch trying to hide from my roommate- he knows he's not supposed to be on the couch!
I think Sammy's first weekend was an overwhelming, but great intro in what life will be like with two Brooklyn girls. One of the first things a Brooklyn dog should have is an awesome toy- this was a gift from my boss:

Sammy wasn't sure what to do with it at first- little orphan dogs aren't used to having toys!
Let me give you a list of what Sammy's been up to the past 48 hours:
-got a sweet new collar and leash
-went to 3 dog parks- played hard with a dozen dogs in one, got muddy with 2 dogs in another
-had 2 baths
-walked across the Williamsburg Bridge
-discovered the Lower East Side and had first visit to Manhattan (as far as we know)
-went to first cupcake bakery, the famed Sugar Sweet Sunshine
-met 5 puppies
-met zillions of dogs and their owners
-met the landlord
-had first piece of cheese
-survived first night home alone while mom was at a metal show
-figured out how to break into mom's room while home alone while mom was at a metal show
-devoured a bag of cheese doodles in mom's room while home alone
-napped with Auntie Bessie
-got a quick drink from the toilet (luckily, he didn't seem that into it)

Here are some more pics:

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