John, my friend Eve's father, has worked as a stonemason in the Berkshires for years. With the unpredictable weather, he is quickly finishing up a stone wall in the entryway before winter sets in. I gave him a hand, always eager to test my brawny side.

While John placed the exposed slabs for the face, I followed with alternate layers of cement, large rocks for the big gaps in the center of the wall, and gravel to fill in the smaller spaces. I got into a rhythm and used the same principles for assembling a wedding cake- keeping the layers level and alternating rows of materials to make it more stable.
It's important to really fill in all those tiny cracks, as the wall is only as strong as its weakest spot, he said. Nothing would be worse than having to go back after the cement has set and break apart the rocks because of poor reinforcement.

The biggest thrill was getting to use the diamond power saw and cutting through giant slabs! Sadly, my camera battery died so I couldn't shoot the dramatic video I intended. Since I try to live by Eleanor Roosevelt's great quote, "Do one thing every day that scares you," I felt like I got my quota for the day.
Stonework can be a bit tedious, but it's amazing how much it parallels working with pastry. Only you get to use a sledgehammer while you are assembling the layers.
My Dear Sydney, Thank you for sharing all of your adventures. My question is why it took me so long to discover your blog, but I did and then had to read the whole thing. You are such a great story teller. We need to get together ASAP and maybe I could be part of your blog. Hopefully it won't be about one of our ventures to Taco Bell :) Maybe it will include Jalapano Krunchers and Ruby Red Squirt or Chex Mix, crust and maybe some of those snickers cookie bars. Miss you and thanks again for sharing. -Nesssa
ReplyDeleteThanks, babe. Keep reading!!! Let's catch up soon. Now that I'm settled back into my apartment, there will be lots more cooking adventures in my kitchen in addition to the daily adventure of living in New York. And just so you know, a blog about Taco Bell would be a beautiful thing, especially if nachos are involved!